Bibliothèque Idéale – Marianne Moore’s list

Auden, W. H.. The Double Man; Collected Shorter Poems

Blake, William. Poems.

Burke, Edmund. Speeches.

Byron. Letters.

Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Cavalcanti, Guido. Donna Mi Prega.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. Troilus and Cressida; Canterbury Tales.

Cocteau, Jean. Poemes; Theatre; Essais critiques.

Coleridge, Samuel. Poems; Biographia Literaria.

Comtesse de Segur. Les Malheurs de Sophie.

Corbiere, Tristan. Les Amours jaunes.

Cummings, e. e.. Eimi; Poems.

Dante. The Divine Comedy; La Vita Nuova.

Donne, John. Letters; Poems.

Dumas, Alexandre. Les Trois Mousquetiers.

Eliot, T. S.. Poems; Plays; The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism.

Fabre, Jean-Henri. Souvenirs entomologiques; Littre

Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary

Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield; Plays; Poems.

Gregory, Horace. Criticism.

Hardy, Thomas. Poems; Tess of the d’Urbervilles; A Pair of Blue Eyes.

Hawthorne, Nathanial. Notebooks; Fiction.

Henryson, Robert. Poems and Fables.

Hopkins, Gerald Manley. Poems; Letters.

James, Henry. Prefaces; Letters; Novels.

Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the Poets.

Joyce, James. Poems; Novels; Dubliners.

Keats, John. Letters; Poems.

Lamb, Charles. Letters.

Lear, Edward. The Owl and the Pussycat.

Levin, Harry. Studies of Joyce; Stendhal; Flaubert; Balzac.

Maritain, Jacques. “Religion and the Intellectuals” (Partisan Review Symposium).

Melville, Herman. Poems; Short novels.

Moliere. Theatre.

Nash, Ogden. Poems.

Niebuhr,Reinhold. The Dilemma of Modern Man

Pascal. Pensees.

Perrault, Charles. Contes.

Perse, Saint-John. Eloges; Exil.

Plato. The Dialogues

Plutarch. Pope, Alexander. Essay on Criticism.

Potter, Beatrix. Peter Rabbit; Squirrel Nutkin.

Pound, Ezra. Translations of the Analects of Confucius; Poems.

Proust, Marcel. Maxims.

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Italian Poets before Dante.

Sainte-Beuve. Portraits contemporains.

Saintsbury, George. A Short History of English Literature; The English Novel.

Seneca. Shakespeare, William. Sonnets; Midsummer Night’s Dream; Hamlet; Macbeth.

Sidney, Sir Philip. Defense of Poesie; Poems.

Smart, Christopher. Poems.

Stein, Gertrude. The Making of Americans; The Geographical History of America.

Stendhal. Le Rouge et le Noir; De l’Amour; Memoires d’un Touriste.

Stevens, Wallace. Poems; Prose commentaries.

Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver; Journal.

Trollope, Anthony. Autobiography; Phineas Finn.

Valery, Paul. La Soiree avec M. Teste; Poemes; Variete; Introduction a la Methode de Leonard de Vinci.

Various: Greek Reader (Viking Press). Voltaire. Correspondance.

Wilson, Edmund. Joyce; Axel’s Castle.

Xenophon. On Hunting; Hipparchicus; On Horsemanship.

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